The Global Give Back Circle integrates mentoring, private sector engagement and local community support in a circle of empowerment that guides vulnerable and marginalized girls to complete their educational journeys, gain employable skills, and become powerful leaders. Read More
Unlike most girls born into poverty, three young Kenyan women all recipients of scholarships and mentorship opportunities from the Global Give Back Circle (GGBC) are leading the global discussion on girls’ empowerment.
Violence Against Women is taking root in most parts of the country and the perpetrators are viewing it as a normal practice in a family or community. The victims always end up suffering in the hands of their husbands, boyfriends and siblings who ignore the fact that the act is violating some human rights and the inflicted pain on the victim can be dangerous.
Resilience. The development community sees resilience as a bridge between emergency response and long-term development. Yet, it can be difficult to understand what the term really means.
100 girls in West Pokot rescued from FGM and child marriage graduate with entrepreneurial and ICT skills.
Head of DFID Kenya Lisa Phillips recently attended a graduation ceremony for girls from the Pokot community who completed trainings on social entrepreneurship and ICT. The over 100 girls who escaped from Female Genital Mutilation and forced early marriages will now become ambassadors to educate and sensitize the rest of the community on the dangers of FGM.
The United States is committed to supporting African countries’ efforts to strengthen democratic institutions, support civil society, advance gender equality, improve governance, and protect human rights. We view these efforts as priorities not just because they are vital by themselves, but also because good governance and human rights underpin sustainable economic growth and peaceful and just societies. The United States pursues these goals through our development assistance, high-level diplomatic engagement, partnership with like-minded stakeholders, and public diplomacy that engages directly with citizens across the continent. Several of President Obama’s signature initiatives directly promote and elevate inclusive, transparent, and democratic governance in Africa.